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How can I do this?


New Member
Hi. I wanna polish the picture below. How can I do it? There are too many pages so I can't do it manually, I need some kind of method. Thanks.

Hello and welcome to PSG.

You have not really provided enough information or enough sample image for us to help you out. When you say polish, I will assume your referring to cleaning up and smoothing the lines of the image by reducing or removing the aliasing. There just not enough context as to what the lines are or belong to for us to offer any useful suggestions.

Next you make reference to having too many pages so you cant do it manually. Photoshop is not a magic program that can do the work for you. When it comes to imagery, Photoshop automation is useless unless it's performing the same exact function for each image. If each of you images are different and have different black lines/images, tones, hues, opacities, coloration, etc.,(especially if those lines were not on separate layers), then the automation would be extremely limited.

If at all possible, could you provide some more information about what your trying to do? Thanks.
Sam is right: We obviously need a lot more info to really figure out what can be done within the constraints you are operating under, but to get the conversation going, I'll mention that there are essentially two major ways to do a semi-automated fix of the stairstep (ie, "pixellated") edges. The first is to bring the image into Adobe Illustrator and use its "Image Trace" capability. Unfortunately, one always has to tweak the results, so, although this method is partially automated, it still is quite labor intensive in most cases.

The second method is to use a little known plugin, Power Retouche Pro's "Anti-alias", followed by blurring and thresholding. Once the letters to be improved are selected, this can be made into an action, but at best, the result looks like a lumpy, poorly drawn cartoon from the 1940's, with severe rounding of every corner that is supposed to be sharp (see below). If the final size of each character is small, maybe something like this will be tolerable.

Give us some more info and maybe something else will come to mind.

Tom M


  • image-demo_PRP_anti-alias-ps02a-for_GIF.gif
    12.2 KB · Views: 44
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Thanks for answers.
Some change this photo:

To this:

He polished the lines and he said he did it in Photoshop. I want to do this myself.
If you zoom enough you can see the difference.
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He polished the lines and he said he did it in Photoshop. I want to do this myself.
If you zoom enough you can see the difference.
Thanks for the reply. Did he mention how he did it? Is there anyway of asking him how he did it?
