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How can I do that ?!

looks like the filter> Pixelate >color halftone
thank you IDad for your answer but i have already tried color haltone filter and it makes a point like every milimeter ! i want to do this effect on a A4 and i want a point approximately every centimeter you see. Is there something I can do ?
could you create the effect then resize it make it transparent 50% or so before the transforming move it around where you want You may be able to but it may require more than one layer to get it where you want to, just a thought. pretty hard to picture your project but thats an idea for you.
thank you very much it works.

What I did :

put a whitish grey, then apply color halftone.
I have still a lots of dots so I resize it.
Now I have bigger space between the dots BUT bigger dots ! so I took the magic wand to select all the dots and contracted the selection.
Then I put the gradient in a different layer, inverted selection and deleted

Tah dah ! a bit complicated but it worked
Thank you again for your kind cooperation !!!

Happy it worked....... congrats! and your very welcome.
thank you very much it works.

What I did :

put a whitish grey, then apply color halftone.
I have still a lots of dots so I resize it.
Now I have bigger space between the dots BUT bigger dots ! so I took the magic wand to select all the dots and contracted the selection.
Then I put the gradient in a different layer, inverted selection and deleted

Tah dah ! a bit complicated but it worked
Thank you again for your kind cooperation !!!


Wow, I'm happy that you already fixed it...

