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how add anti-alias to a svg


New Member

Is it possible to (automatically) add Anti-Alias to a dropped svg file in Ps and if, how?
Alternatively, which blur would you recommend?
One can enlarge the pic then shrink back to get some antialiasing on it. But this way it doesn´t look good. What im looking for is a "real" and adjustable anti aliasing effect.

Thx, M.
@mrtz I agree with @[ iLLuSioN ] on the approach. SVG is accommodates many file variations so it may be possible that the anti-alias box is unavailable to check (that has happened to me) yet most of the time AI and SVG files allow you to chose anti-alias or not.
If for some reason you need to do it on your own, adding 0.5 pixel Gaussian blur usually provides a nice smoothing to jagged lines with a small expense to sharpness.
John Wheeler
Thank you so much! That tiny check box on the upper corner was out of sight somehow.
Tried both and the check box version is working well enough for now. :perfect:

What i cannot understand is the fact that there isnt any flyout which allows for editing alias directly. Every game has it since 20 years or so, but ps doesnt.
