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Photoshop Gurus Forum

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Hi all im new here. i came across this forum when searching for photoshop brushes. I use photoshop cs3 to make signatures for people on my forum but i am relativly new to photoshop and still need help ect...
Is this forum for people who use photoshop proffesionally (sp?) or can any1 join?
Yes and yes. There are professionals and hobbyists alike. Welcome to PSG. :)
I never picked that named, otherwise I would have picked something different. :\
The name Photoshopgurus should be read as "Photoshopguru's" (handbook).
Complicated? I know and I'm not surprised when visitors think that this is a place where only "gurus" hang out.
I actually don't want to deal with 'GURUS'. Referring to oneself as a guru of 'anything' seems a bit over the top. 'Experienced' but still on the learning curve is what I am
I've made a living with Photoshop for many many many many many etc. years. Yet I still learn something new here almost every day. Usually not from 'gurus'.
Well, I had one guru mail me last week, I mean Russell Brown, that's a guru or not or should I say THE guru? :D
Well..Yeah..There are GURUS. And a few can easily call themselves gurus. And some may be referred to by others as gurus...But for the average schmuck like me to call myself a 'GURU' would just be a tad tedious. :righton:. Professionals ?..yes. Knowledgeable ? yes...Gurus..no.
Mind you Ronmatt, I wasn't disagreeing with you, just wanted to share a pleasant surprise of actually being contacted by someone who we would call a guru and ot doesn't happen very often that I'm contacted by one of the most well-known Adobe employees. :D
Hello guys gurus are there in every profession, but calling yourself as a Guru is not good but if some one impressed with your work and he like it too much and if he calls you Gurus that's good and ok because he's a beginner so he thinks your are Guru to him..........as he don't know who is top most in this profession or like that but he feels that your the one know a lot..........because he's a beginner :D

May i call colin smith as a PS Guru :D
