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New Member
Hi all!!:wink:

My names Amanda^^. Since I've been in Canada I keep coming back upon this site. I thought it was a bit odd I live in Korea and I never found you in my searches there. I'm loving that there seems to be such an active community feeling here.
I'm always stumbling around the internet looking for help or new bits to learn and this just seems like a great place to be for that! Looking forward to trekking around here some more and meeting you all^^
Mostly I just play around^^ I was in a rotten car accident a few years ago and figured if I had to be stuck in bed I ought to learn something useful. So I make a lot of logos and flyers for friends businesses, I love editing and manipulating photos mostly just for fun. I'm trying my hand at web design... Just whatever comes my way^^ I think its the journey that intrigues me so much there's just so much to learn.
I myself am fond of making the odd logo and manip...

Maybe show case some of your work :thumbsup:
