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History brush messing me up


New Member

Im a noob , as you shall see

im thankful for this forum , as i browse through it and

get answers to questions i never knew i had :)

The one i have now is as follows

Im using a PC and CS4

i was working on a photo , in which

i used the desaturate function , and then

used history brush to colour back in areas

i wanted in colour

i didnt have time to finish the fine edges , so

i saved as a psd , but now when i come back to

the photo , where i chose to open as-psd , then just

to open it as all , etc ( i tried all the options )

the history brush either has no effect on the photo

or it gives some weird colours not anywhere near the

original colours from the photo

I tried opening other photos as a test , i desaturate

then try the history brush on them , but no luck , it

does the same thing to these photos , and in general

just messes them up

im obviously a noob here , can anyone help me fix this ?

i have no idea where 2 start

Once you save,or close the file the history brush resets I do believe please correct me if I'm wrong
When your right your absolutely right mate

Thank you very much on a fast informed reply

Bummer i have to start that project all over again ,

but now i know for next time

