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High quality transparent GIF


New Member
I have an image with a transparent background and I want to save it as a GIF. Currently I do it as a PNG and it looks great, but older browsers don't support transparent PNG so I am tyring to make it a GIF. I know you should "save for web" and then select GIF but what are the best settings for this? All my attempts look terrible! Thanks in advance :righton:

Oh yeh and I am using Adobe Photoshop 7.0.
wundersuprise said:
and then select GIF but what are the best settings for this?

Depends entirely on the actual image. Since GIF uses a color table to generate the file, settings are specific to each image.

but older browsers don't support transparent PNG

What are you trying to support? There are work arounds for some problems such as IE6.

All my attempts look terrible!

Not surprising... GIF is a very limited file structure. You're limited to a maximum of 256 colors total... and with transparency... that number shrinks. (You will never get transparency like PNG24, GIF only does index transparency, not alpha... this means no subtle drop shadows and the like).

Oh yeh and I am using Adobe Photoshop 7.0.

Shouldn't matter too much in this case... GIF is the problem. heh
