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New Member
Hi All,

Well I guess you know I'm new to the forum! Been using PSE 11 for a few months and got the bug, so much so now moved onto CS6. Loving what I am producing as a beginner and can't wait to learn more and more. Looking forward to getting lots of help from you guys and hopefully directions towards lots of lovely tutorials.

Happy photo - Shopping everyone
Thanks Steve, Can you tell me how I add a signature to my account - can't seem to find it in the settings etc. Thanks Liz
Hi BizLiz and welcome to the forum!

To add a signature, go to SETTINGS (top of every page next to log out)
On the settings page, in the "my settings" column on the left side, click the EDIT SIGNATURE.
From there you can type a sig line or upload one from a URL or your own computer.
Hi IamSam, Thanks for your reply I don't seem to have the option "edit your Signature" in the left hand column :-(
