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Active Member

Just wanted to say hello and introduce myself. My name is Mark, 31 years old, living in the UK.

Ive had very little use of photoshop, but enjoy watching tutorials, and challenging myself to do things, and looking up the answers on the internet. Ive mastered a few of the basics, and a few bits and bobs of the more advanced stuff, but to be honest, I have hundreds of newbie style questions to ask, so ill be bugging you all at some point over the simplest stuff.

Hopefully one day Ill be able to start earning a 2nd income from PS image editing, as my current job will never make me rich.

So thats me.
Welcome Sparky, good luck at learning and i hope you will have fun with PS ;)
Hey Mark,
Welcome welcome to PSG.

I like your avatar dog looolll .

Hope you enjoy your stay as I do and learning lots :) gooofy....

