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hi :)


New Member
After enjoying dabbling with the Gimp program (god I hate telling people what program I use when I'm asked how did I make that), I've decided a change of career is called for. I shall be taking a part time university course in photoshop and web design, which would qualify me for the entry level web design jobs I've seen advertised, which seem to appear much more frequently than my current profession.

I hope to get a good understanding of the tools in photoshop before my course starts, so I'll be working my way through the tutorials on here. :)
Gimp is great, but I think you will find Photoshop to be a lot more powerful. Welcome to the forums, let us know if we can help :)
Gimp is great, but I think you will find Photoshop to be a lot more powerful. Welcome to the forums, let us know if we can help :)

Thanks I will. Just checking out some tutorials at the moment to be better prepared for when my course starts later this month. I enjoyed gimp'ing a lot (that program really does need a new name :rolleyes:), looking forward to getting stuck into photoshop though. Even from the initial viewpoint of gui & layout it looks better.
I have all LED Z songs.those were the days!
