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Illustrator Hi! Please help!


I have been playing with the swirl tool and pen tools in AI, I havent really used AI much because im use to photoshop. I was wondering if i could use to swirl tool and pen tools to create a custom cursive type of lettering ... then use the width tool and make certian areas wider, is this possible? or am i going about creating letters all wrong?
If I understand you correctly, and I might not be, you want to custom set the swirl tool and/or pen tool to create a special effect as you write the letter "A", for example.

This is possible, but technically speaking, you are off-base. By creating the letter "A", you've created an object, not a font. You will have to save this custom shape somehow as a font. I don't know how to do that, but it's not your way.

And as far as making certain areas wider, or customizing that "A" at all, that's involves skillful use of the Direct Selection Tool and the Convert Anchor Point tool, amongst others.

This http://vector.tutsplus.com/tutorials/tools-tips/illustrators-pen-tool-the-comprehensive-guide/ is an excellent guide. Especially step 9 where they guide you step by step in creating block outlines of letters.

Practice like hell. You'll get it. You'll be surprised how much you learn in one sitting.

