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Hi, introducing myself and a question


New Member
Hi, I am Meredith from Australia and have been digi scrapping for some time now, and love it. Just started a tech course in order to learns some more as I am mostly self taught.

My question is - I have had Adobe Photshop CS3 loaded onto my WINDOWS computer BUT I now have an iMac.

I also have on my iMac Photoshop Elements 9, but I really want CS3 or up on the iMac. Does anyone know of a way of using my CS3 on my - iMac - or can I use an add on for Elements 9.

I have tried to find the answer to this but to no avail. Thanks for any help, I hope that I can contribute to anyone wanting digital scrapbooking advice.:neutral:
Hello creativeme, welcome to PSG. I don't know about an Elements upgrade. I would directly contact Adobe. As for using a windows version of cs3 on your imac, that will not work (by any means I know) unless you want to have windows installed on your mac (if you can even do that anymore). Also, if you have a new mac, you'll need to check if it's compatible with the cs3. Well, hopefully someone will come along who has more complete info.
well back in the day you use to be able to download a mac version of photoshop trial from there website but enter your windows serial number unlocking the trial to the regular full version.

However I do not think you can download cs3 trials anymore and with later versions adobe have got wise that people were doing it so they generated a different serial number code for macs.

I do believe they offer a service where you can trade your pc version for a mac version but you will have to speak to adobe. who may not even support your prouct anymore
