Hi Gurus!
A friend of mine gave me two copies of his family's portrait photo which was taken about 20-30 years ago. The 8x10 is severely faded but in otherwise excellent condition. He had someone at his company work on it in Photoshop a few years ago and it is cleaned up nicely but is very much lacking color.
Recently he came upon another version of the same family portrait photo - this time a laminated wallet size, which has a lot more of the original color left. He asked me if I could scan the photo and enlarge it for him since the color is much better on the wallet size. Unfortunately it could not be removed from the lamination which was very scratched up. I used a fine grit buffing compound to smooth the surface of the plastic and then I lacquered the surface and did a scan of it that way. It looks pretty good except I am loosing a lot of detail because there is cracking/crazing underneath the lamination which we couldn't even see until I resurfaced it.
Long story short, I would like to somehow use the perfect detail from the faded photo and the color from the good photo to make a one very nice restored version. This is not something I have ever done in Photoshop before and I'm unfamiliar with what approach to take. I have done a lot of clean up work on individual old photos but never have done anything involving combining elements from separate photos. I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 and I'm using an Epson Perfection V600 photo scanner and using the scanner's built in color correction for both versions of the image. I'm looking for directions or tutorials or perhaps just a suggestion as to what tools I should research to make this happen.

Thank you!
A friend of mine gave me two copies of his family's portrait photo which was taken about 20-30 years ago. The 8x10 is severely faded but in otherwise excellent condition. He had someone at his company work on it in Photoshop a few years ago and it is cleaned up nicely but is very much lacking color.
Recently he came upon another version of the same family portrait photo - this time a laminated wallet size, which has a lot more of the original color left. He asked me if I could scan the photo and enlarge it for him since the color is much better on the wallet size. Unfortunately it could not be removed from the lamination which was very scratched up. I used a fine grit buffing compound to smooth the surface of the plastic and then I lacquered the surface and did a scan of it that way. It looks pretty good except I am loosing a lot of detail because there is cracking/crazing underneath the lamination which we couldn't even see until I resurfaced it.
Long story short, I would like to somehow use the perfect detail from the faded photo and the color from the good photo to make a one very nice restored version. This is not something I have ever done in Photoshop before and I'm unfamiliar with what approach to take. I have done a lot of clean up work on individual old photos but never have done anything involving combining elements from separate photos. I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 and I'm using an Epson Perfection V600 photo scanner and using the scanner's built in color correction for both versions of the image. I'm looking for directions or tutorials or perhaps just a suggestion as to what tools I should research to make this happen.

Thank you!
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