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Hi I'm new here!


New Member
Hi All,

I'm new to PS. Earlier I use to rip the DVDS. Ripped some DVDs, VCDs & ACDs till now. Now I want to start up with Photoshop. Which version I need to Install? Like CS3 or CS4 or CS5? Please help me out!!

Thanks All,


I'm using CS5 Extended. I had Previous versions before... they are all similar really. But if you are going to start to learn or whatever - do it with CS5 - its best to get the latest I suppose.

I'm using CS5 Extended. I had Previous versions before... they are all similar really. But if you are going to start to learn or whatever - do it with CS5 - its best to get the latest I suppose.

Thanks Much!!

I Will Start Using CS5!!

Please Keep Helping Me!!
Helloooo and welcome ninagagi, I'm a CS5 Extended user too. Feel free to ask as many questions as you need. :cool2: :cool2: :cool2:
