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Hi I'm Bob and still using CS3


New Member
Hi all you photoshop gurus and "wannabes" lol.
I've had CS3 extedned for a couple of years actually, but didn't really start getting into photoshop until very recently. I had no idea how fun that program was. It's simply amazing what you can do with it. I've been going through the awesome tutorials at planetphotoshop... which by the way, is how I found this site.

I was doing the "Bands of the Lost" tutorial and got to the part where you're supposed to "Filter" "Render", "Lighting Effects", set Texture Channel to "Red", and slide "size" up to 80.

When I do that, photoshop stops responding. I've NEVER had photoshop "lock up" before.

I tried it several times, and each time with the same result.

I guess it probably has something to do with my Window 7 64-bit OS.

I'll know if that's the problem for sure on Monday when I try the same thing on my XP SP3 computer at work.

Until, then has anyone else discovered this or similar problem in photoshop?

Is there a solution?

Well, sorry for the long introduction and for introducing a problem in the intro page, but since that's how I found this site, I guess it's not entirely inappropriate.

I look forward to browsing around here and see what other are up to with their photoshop adventures. Catch you all later!

- Bob
I'm in the same boat as you buddy, just starting to get into graphic designs.
But honestly, I made this account for one purpose, I need help with my business logo XD
