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Hi I'm Acharya I'm New here. : )

Hi, my name is Acharya Hargreaves, I am a photo shop artist, well at least I am a learning photo shop artist and I also do allot of 3D stuff also.

anyways, Just wanted to say Hi. : )
Hi and welcome acharya-d-hargreaves to the forum a user that is the same as me when you say 3d what exactly are you referring to and what programs do you use. I myself started out with cinema 4d and also trying to leard 3dsmax at the moment just for 1 plugin and that works completely differently to cinema 4d, But early days yet.
I use 3DS Max and have been for a while now. Its my favorite program :D However I have heard some really good things about Cinema 4D. That program can do some amazing things.

If you want to learn more about 3DS Max I own a website with some free tutorials for learning 3DS Max. just visit my profile page. I would post the link here but I am a new user and cant until 5 posts or something. :D
Yeah cinema 4d is getting more popular it is simple to use and has really good effects realoly popular for intro videos etc and it is cross platform I have seen people switch from Maya to it so it must be good will check out your site I dont suppose you have any Krakatoa tutorials on there do you I love the effects of that but hard to get my head around.
Welcome to PSGurus, Acharya.

There's a few aspiring 3Dmodellers in the house, me included. There's section here dedicated to 3D modellers. We'd love to see a few renders of stuff you have. We'll have a lot to learn from each other.

