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Hi Hello Whatsup!


8 year "photo-shopper" here. still have much to learn, a rebel against the 9-5 sheeple lifestyle i am now following my true desire to be financially free through my given talents. i have much to brush up on but, i am here to grow, expand and most importantly network. im in a new level where im going thru artist block but, i must get it out so i will be creating new designs that i will hate and love. i take criticism well and i enjoy it actually. as-long as its genuine and not some rude ass getting off on himself.
in my younger days i actually skipped school to stay home on photoshop. never took the financial gain out of ignorance and self doubt. most people wait for validation but you can wait a lifetime for that. im good to go. thanks for having me.
8 year "photo-shopper" here. still have much to learn, a rebel against the 9-5 sheeple lifestyle i am now following my true desire to be financially free through my given talents. i have much to brush up on but, i am here to grow, expand and most importantly network. im in a new level where im going thru artist block but, i must get it out so i will be creating new designs that i will hate and love. i take criticism well and i enjoy it actually. as-long as its genuine and not some rude ass getting off on himself.
in my younger days i actually skipped school to stay home on photoshop. never took the financial gain out of ignorance and self doubt. most people wait for validation but you can wait a lifetime for that. im good to go. thanks for having me.

Or herself, just to give the forum balance you understand.
Welcome to the site, can't wait to see some of your Photoshop efforts, got my critique pen at the ready:mrgreen:

So how do you live on fresh air and sunshine mate, i think we all want that lifestyle?
