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Hi guys


I'm new here and pretty much a ps noob.I'm hoping to learn a lot from the forums.I'd welcome any tips in general or be happy to check out any recommended threads.I'd like to find out where i can get good presets,brushes tutorials etc .My interest include rock and metal music or just music in general,anime,fighting games particularly the tekken series as well as other things.I'm currently using cs5,feel free to ask me any questions.
Welcome to the forum kazuya.

You'll find some of what you want in the Resources Forum. We have tutorials here too. But for basics, you might do better googling just that, PS basics, or signing up for a few months of lynda.com or one of those. PSD TUTS has some great free training as well.

Just ask your questions, post your work, and we'll give you our wisdom, lol. Take part in activities and discussion. Take a look at our official challenges. They're designed for learning new techniques and having fun. So enjoy yourself on the forum and using/learning Photoshop.
Well, it would depend on what kind of work. Take a look at the forums and the descriptions are pretty good. EG: before and after for retouching or manipulation. Showboard for finished images like manipulations/composition type. A separate one for Graphics, like logos, signatures. But there are grey lines too. Most questions would go to General but if you think they should go there, there is the Newbie section as well. So don't overthink it. If it's way off-topic to the chosen forum, we'll just move it.
