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Hi guys!


New Member
I have been doing photoshop for some months now, but I decided to make a logo to my video/picture products. After trying to make the logo in PS, I couldn't get a good result, so now i'm asking you guys. Can you please try to photoshop the logo for me?

I made a really easy template in paint, just to describe how the logo is going to be. It's named "Addicted Media"

I get reeaaally happy for every reply! Thanks! :mrgreen:

welcome here,

there are many things to clarify for example style u prefer, colors, vector or pixel graphic, size etc.
this is a helpful forum full of nice people but this project needs more than 5 min of work and nobody works for free when it comes to a more serious project like this one (and i suppose u wont be satisfied with a crappy solution).
so i suggest you to offer some pay except for having infinite time to wait...
Hello fellows !:D

Damn, you guys are really nice to new members!

LRG: I just posted the picture just to see any interesses:) I have been doing just some easy pictures, but i don't even know how to make that logo in photoshop, not even that lines. that makes the A and M... I have been searching on the internet for toutrials for a long time, but I cant find anything:S

I just thought some of you guys that is really good at photoshop can make that logo for me with some cool colors, and maybe a background, and som gloves around = ) I also thought; you can probably do it in 5-10 mins, but it was just a try! : ) Maybe one day, I will be lucky you know :D
Hi Im new too! But I can't post my own thread. I'm really messed up on forums, sorry for that. I just want to stay and read on, I love using photoshop! Anyway, welcome to you and me! :)
