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Hi from the frozen north

Dave Oberg

New Member
Just checking in from Anchorage, Alaska. I have been using (and teaching) PS for about 7 years now, and still feel like a novice. I learn something new every time I use it.:lol:
A place I've never been but will be someday....(knock on wood)..... Welcome Dave O
June is usually our driest month, with temperatures in the 60's and sometimes 70's. Alaska is a big place, though, so it kind of depends on which part of the state you are visiting.
A cruise from Vancouver to Seward then Anchorage and Denali by rail or bus for 3 days.
I'm encouraged by what your telling me about the temp and rain, thanks.

Didn't mean to turn this into the Alaska Gurus forum. :wink:

I know what you mean about Photoshop.
Every now and then a question comes up and I think to myself, "I didn't even know PS could do that!"
