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Hi from sweden


New Member
Hey everyone, saw this forum after browsing google for help, looks like a neat site, so I thought I'd come and say hi and hang out with you guys,
Hello Gertrud and Welcome to PG from another Swede !

Sorry for not replying to your post until now but I've not been visiting PG regularely in the last six months or so. I will improve on that in a close future, tho ...
Very nice indeed to have at least one more Swede on this board and I hope you will enjoy it and the gang hanging out here.

.......< Some Swedish >...............
Jag kommer att skicka ett PM till dig, Gertrud, och lägga till dig till som vän - om du inte har något emot det. Förklarar lite mer i PM:et. I vilket fall så vill jag hälsa dig välkommen till Photoshop Gurus och hoppas att du kommer att trivas här.
.......< End Swedish>..................

--- DKJ ---
