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Hi from New Zealand

Trevor Dennis

Well-Known Member
Hi guys. I've signed on with my real name because that's the one my mum and dad gave me. I live surrounded by grape vines in Marlborough New Zealand, where the world's best sauvignon blanc comes from. Which sounds nice, but is a PITA if you want to take pictures of something other than grapes and vineyards etc. I'm a retired engineer, and now work as a commercial photographer (mostly for the local wine industry), and also as a graphic designer. I've taught Photoshop at two Photographic Society of New Zealand's National Convention, and currently spend most of my online time on the Adobe Photoshop forum, but there are too many daft questions about installation problems since Creative Cloud went live, and not enough interesting 'how to do stuff' threads. I do more video than stills nowadays, and have a full Creative Cloud subscription, which I love and think is excellent value!!!
New Zealand!.........Awesome taking a cruise there hopefully soon(gift to wife)......Welcome I think that place is probably the most beautiful place on this planet......... sorry back to
Photoshop I have that full creative cloud also still debating if I like it
Welcome, Trevor.

This is a great place for PS users to get together and learn from each other. Glad to have you aboard.

Any chance you know Stewart Winders (stu/kiwi) a graphics designer and long absent PSG member from Christchurch?
Welcome TD, You will have to excuse iDAD he thinks hes Gollum ON A HOME TRIP:bustagut:
Hi and thanks for the welcome. Yes NZ is a beautiful country — especially the South Island. iDad feel free to drop me an email when you come, and if you pass through Marlborough, and if I am not too busy, I’ll show you the best bits. No I don’t know Stewart. He is not in the PSNZ register, but might belong to the NZIPP (the professional photographer’s organization). That’s assuming that all graphic designers also take photos.

I must say I like the look and feel of this site, and the content is more interesting than the official Adobe Photoshop forum has been since Creative Cloud went live. Nowadays 90% of the questions are to do with installation and driver type issues, which must be frustrating for the people with the problems, but they are not interesting to answer. I really like the CC subscription model, and not least because it is saving me money. Having paid 50% more than people in America for my adobe apps for years, I now pay almost exactly the same, and I have a shed load of world class apps — even if I do only use half a dozen of them. I also like the value added features like Typekit that just went live. The font management side of it is awesome, but I have not managed to see selected fonts in Photoshop yet.
