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Hi Everyone! Watcha think!?


New Member
Hi Everyone!
I am a newbie, and this is my very first forum thread! yaay! I have messing around with Photoshop for about a good year now, and can honestly say that I have definetly got the hang of it, but do feel that there is way much more that I need to learn! Anyone with tips on anything! feel free to comment, It will be greatfully appreciated! Any tips or advice for anyone else I am willing to comment also! Thanks, and just so you can see where I'm at check out some of my work, I've done some quick tutorials ( well timelapses)

Pay no attention to the old guy up there.^^^^...............it's not to fast, it 's WAY TO FAST LOL
Hi and welcome to the forum!

Quick tip for posting vids - when you are making a post here you can use the button that looks like a filmstrip and then paste in the youtube URL and it will embed the video in the forum post :)
