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Hi Everyone! here is my first post


New Member
Hi everyone!,

Agaete here, I'm a Mid-Level Photoshop user and run into a small issue, well really not sure if is small or big but here it goes:

1. I created a PSD file on Photoshop CS5, saved it as I normally do, as a PSD format, this morning when I try to open it, it opens as a 1 layer file and colors are all distorted. I tried opening multiple times but same problem, I was wondering if anyone here has ever run into this problem and if there is anything I can do?

I'm attaching a screenshot of what I seeing when I open the file,

Thanks so much for taking the time reading this post and hope there is a solution. Thank you


Welcome to the forum, agaete.

Houston, we've got a problem... looks like a badly saved, heavily truncated file.

It happens.

I think the only way is to re-do the image from scratch.... sorry.
ai :( something we all don't want to come across....

welcome to the forum :) and I hope you'll enjoy
