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Hi everyone! A few newbie questions if you don't mind...


Hi everyone! I've been studying Photoshop for 2 weeks. My background is in programming, so I've had no previous experience with graphics software or art in general.

I think I've gotten use to the GUI, but I still have newbie questions. Hope you guys can help and not think they're too uh... newbie.

1. What is the difference between filters and layer styles? Obviously they have different sets of effects, but what makes an effect one or the other? In other words, why can't they all be in one place?

2. What is the difference between a layer mask and clipping mask? Every textbook exercise I've done regarding one I found out that I can pull off with the other too.

3. Anti-aliasing... it seems like a good thing, yet it's not automatic and can be unchecked from. Why would we ever not want to use it?

4. How long does it usually take for someone who is learning PS from scratch to be able to be an ACE?

5. What 3d software is most compatible with PS?

When I started learning PS, I had no idea how massive it would be. A little overwhelming, actually, so any help would be appreciated. Thanks!
Okay, I got the answer to my first question. Can anyone help me with the rest?

1. What is the difference between a layer mask and clipping mask? Every textbook exercise I've done regarding one I found out that I can pull off with the other too.

2. Anti-aliasing... it seems like a good thing, yet it's not automatic and can be unchecked from. Why would we ever not want to use it?

3. How long does it usually take for someone who is learning PS from scratch to be able to be an ACE?

4. What 3d software is most compatible with PS?
