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Hi everybody! What to say about myself?


New Member
Well, I don't know what could be interesting for you...

I work with photoshop since, mmmm... 15 years. And I discover too often that I have a lot to learn still.
I have a tendency to use it too often, instead of illustrator for instance. But it represents a kind of magic for me :wink:

Of course, if I am here it is because I have a problem: how to make compatible colors in photoshop with colors in InDesign / microsoft office suite... i.e. I drafted a chart in Photoshop and I would like to publish it with InDesign but the yellows become greens, etc...
It is the same when I insert that chart in Word.
I should change the colors settings but don't get any result and I have no more time...

Somebody could help me?

Hi llizalune (beautiful name) and welcome to PSG!

I learn something new about Ps almost every day, so I understand what your saying.

How about posting your problem with a new thread in the General Photoshop Forum. You will get more views there.
