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Hi all...


Well-Known Member
I'm Jim from the Eastern Shore of Maryland. I have used Photoshop for perhaps 15 years. Like any tool, I may have not progressed too much beyond my first six months. I can do the basics and then reach out for help when I am stuck .. like I was with Neon colors.

I basically use photoshop instead of a HTML editor. I make complete pages in a single image. This is somewhat foolish as I gather Google, et al are unable to bot the content so perhaps I do not get the status in the searches that others will get. F'm .. I like this system. I will live with the results. So far, I've been able to write my own paychecks for 30 years.

I have used Macs since the mid-80's. I keep about four going at any time - for different things. I also keep about 3 versions of Pshp because some have old filters that I still like that do not work with CS5. I also keep a number of cameras and am happy that CS5 will handle the RAW images from my Canon. Cheers.

Jim Cancil
Welcome. By the way, my mother was born and raised on the eastern shore, in the little town of St Michaels.
Hi Jim, welcome to the forum.

If you need any help converting those PSD's to XHTML/CSS let me know I can help you :)
Hawkeye - Your Mom was one of the 'fortunates'. That area is a special part of the Shore. I'm well south. After living in a very mellow Wisconsin, interesting Boston, Toronto, etc ....when we moved here, it was like being dropped back into the early 50's. It seemed like every other sentence had the N-word in it. Funny how times change; these people cannot get enough Mexicans to work for them...

Gau - I have a simple system. I make up my 'pages' in PSHP and then 'Insert Image' into Dreamweaver. DW keeps things tidy. My primary site has about 400 images in it. It's gotten like a Jeep in the motopool; 400 shades of O.D. Cheers guys.

