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Hi all, need advice ?

penn images

New Member
:o Can anyone out there shed light my way? My question.....I want to combine 2 pics, taken from inside a building , one correctly exposed for interior, one taken to correctly expose exterior view. How can I merge the two exposures to create one "seamless" composite of the two ???? ( in cs2 )
Merge to HDR

:o Can anyone out there shed light my way? My question.....I want to combine 2 pics, taken from inside a building , one correctly exposed for interior, one taken to correctly expose exterior view. How can I merge the two exposures to create one "seamless" composite of the two ???? ( in cs2 )

I am not sure that this is the correct forum area, but I will answer. In Photoshop CS2 and CS3 there is a sub-program called HDR merge. The acronyms stand for High Dynamic Range merge and is used with RAW files. I think that you can use jpeg with this program as well. You will find the program under the file menu.

File> Automate> Merge to HDR:D

Hope this helps.

