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HI ALL!!! I have a question


New Member
Hi everybody! So I'm very new to photoshop, despite all the years it's been going on. So here's my situation. I just got a computer that is kind of outdated (mac g5) from about 2008. The computer came with a pretty old version of photoshop.
PHOTOSHOP CS is what is called I think. So I'm trying to get a good book to get myself to learn the basics and become comfortable with the program, that's all I can afford for now and I hope soon I can update to the latest. Anyway, can anybody recommend a good book for a beginner like me? when I say beginner, I mean that I don't even know the first thing to do when I open up the program, not even how to upload a picture to start working on it. So with that information, I was wondering if y'all could recommend a good book for me. I did some research and found two good options, "the photoshop cs classroom in a book" and "the photoshop cs bible". Any thoughts? Please let me know, Thank you all in advance! Blessings
Pop to your local magazine store in the UK we have WH Smiths they do feature magazines around $15 that just focuses on a year of premium tutorials from magazines such as photoshop creative. A full colour glossy book that is just page after page of tutorials that get to the heart of skills you would like to learn. A quick learning guide. This however is not a solution to fully understand the program.

that said there is a whole array of free learning for photoshop on the internet such as youtube but they are specifically designed for searching a particular thing.

If you want to just browse and learn from effects you like the images off then somewhere like psd tuts are good, digital tutors or even a subscription to lynda.com. If it is more photography post production your interested in then you may be better off with a subscription to Kelby training.

Best way to learn is to just jump in and play with the software.

Fyi you can get free downloads of cs2 suite as that is now legacy so a couple years more modern software.
Thank you so much Hoogle! I really just want to learn the basic photography stuff you can do with it. I have tried things like youtube but, like you mentioned, they focus on particular projects which I hope I can look for when I am familiar with the program. For now I would like to just see and learn basic photography touch up and stuff like that, I'm pretty old fashioned and I would be more comfortable with an actual book than following a webpage. Anyway, thank you so much for the suggestions! I'll consider those. Blessings!
