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New Member
Hey, guys! kurtsnafu here.

I'm a normal guy who has a bit of knowledge about Photoshop. I've been doing image modification requests (simple stuff; redrawing, "cleaning", cutting out characters, extending images, removing text, etc) on a certain image board for quite a while now, and I really enjoy tinkering with photos and such. I'm also a scanlator, or in other words, I edit manga.

I want to get into Illustrator as soon as possible, as well as web designing, since I'm planning to take up Graphic Design once I get to college. Long story short, I took the liberty of joining this forum to learn more, and maybe earn a few extra bucks since I haven't gotten my hands on a tablet yet. :naughty:

Hopefully, I'll have fun here and learn a lot from you guys. Peace out.
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Hi kurtsnafu and welcome to PSG.

This is primarily a discussion forum to assist members in using Photoshop and Illustrator along with any related design issues for both. Any members offering payment for edits are directed towards the Freelance Section.


I mention this because you stated your interest in earning a few bucks, so please take a look at the rules for Freelancers.


We're glad to have you on board and looking forward to seeing your work.
