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Hey there everyone :)


New Member
Hello there my name is Raymond. I have been using photoshop for a couple of years now and also had a subscription for Advanced Photoshop Magazine. But I found out that those tutorials were tougher than expected :p. I hope to improve my skills here so that someday with all the support I can get here from everybody ;) those tutorials will be a breeze to make. :mrgreen:

If someone already has some tips for me I would be glad if you would share them with me.
Oh they will be. Well, I shouldn't be so flippant since I don't know what they are, but you'll get to understanding most of them I bet. And you can bring your questions here. Look up tutorials here and find an effect you'd like to make. Search the forum for Challenges and see if you like one. Most of those tutorials are pretty straight forward. Most important of all, have fun photoshopping.
Thx for the tips in where to begin my journey through this forum. I usually loose sight of structure when I see lots of things which are inspiring. :cheesygrin:
