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Hey guys, I started a blog.


Power User
I don't know if i'm allowed to post this link, but if I'm not i'm sure one of the PSG forum moderators will remove it.

I have started a blogging site. I would appreciate it if you guys would sign-up. I'm going to frequently post new tutorials on there, and I'm going to keep updated posts. Also if anyone needs help there, You send me an email, and I will do some work for you guys.

the site link is.

The Photo-Tavern

Thanks guys.
I dont see a problem with it as it is a personal site and photoshop related. I am not speaking on behalf of admin or other moderators but I for 1 cant see a problem with it.

1 tip I can see is that your comment section (the blacked out transparant part) is very hard to read.

I wish you luck with it.
Thanks iDad, I wasn't sure if I was violating any rules by posting it on the forum. I normally wouldn't, but what better place to get viewers on a photoshop blog, then a successful photoshop forum.
Oh, that's a popular post thing, it's an auto feature. Not really much I can do to edit it. I'm working on a basics tutorial, should be done shortly.
Cudos mate, knockout blog - do you see what i did there.
KNOCKOUT blog...knockout, you and your boxing, oh come on man? lol
Looks like your reach may be an advantage over most of your competitors ;)
