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Specific Hey guys! I need one person removed from this picture.


New Member
It would be amazing if someone could remove the third person from the left side, the guy with the sunglases, the hat and blue shirt. It should look like the group is only the other six guys standing next to each other :)

It's not about hatered or bullying, but the other six guys have done their divemastertraining together for over 6 weeks and this day was our celebration day. And the guy I would like have to removed, just did his divemaster few months ago, he just missed the celebration and then dropped in in our but we all didnt really know him. I just want to have a memory picture with my guys ;) Thanks a lot !

Thank you very much so far :) I just realised that the propotion of the frist two guys to the other four guys is a bit weird :D I didn't think about that before I made my request.
Is it possible to adjust the seize of the first two guys to the other four ? apologize for the inconvenience.

uhm, I don't know? Must it be signed?
I think this is possible, but not for me (too long). May be could you propose it in the professional section. Sorry.
For the signature, it was a joke because of the H.G. Well's novel "The invisible man". :)
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