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Hey everyone,


New Member
I just signed up and i am working my way through the beginners tutorials.

I have Photoshop cs2 v9 (legit version).

I am currently triing to complete a tutorial i came across on the web. It has stumped me though.

I am not very good with photoshop yet and seem to be missing something when triing to complete this tutorial.

If anyone would care to walk me through it would be great.

Before i let you know were i am stuck ill post the link.

It maybe to much to ask for a walkthrough but if anyone has the time/ knowledge i can you let you know in a return post.


The link is:

Welcome mc303. 8))

Forgive me for asking, but why don't you ask the one who wrote the tutorial? \:/ He can most likely answer your question without even looking at it and not only that... your problem might help him to improve the tutorial. ;)
Gaussian said:
Welcome mc303. 8))

Forgive me for asking, but why don't you ask the one who wrote the tutorial? \:/ He can most likely answer your question without even looking at it and not only that... your problem might help him to improve the tutorial. ;)

Thanks for the reply Gaussian.

Seems fair enough. I will try to get a hold of them. Can you ofer any help in the mean time?

