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New Member

I'm new here and I've playing around with photoshop cs3, to try and make my MTB team a Logo.

So far I've got this, witch very good.
The edges are to roth and i would like to make them smother
ca you help me.
any other tips are wellcome

Shot at 2007-08-02

In attach i placed the original Photoshop file.
Welcome ferreirm. 8))

Turn the image into a vector image (you can use Photoshop, but better is illustrator), any other solution will not give you a descent result.
Gaussian said:
Welcome ferreirm. 8))

Turn the image into a vector image (you can use Photoshop, but better is illustrator), any other solution will not give you a descent result.

wow I thought there was a knat on my screen.
