I am designing myself guitar pedal art to put on a custom pedal I am buying soon.
It is Zelda themed and is based on a guitar pedal called a Triangle Muff (explains the puns, etc)...
I was hoping I could get some help with it as it looks rather bland to me. The dimensions need to stay the same (all the buttons and the overall size) otherwise it can be tweaked whatever way. Please offer any helpful advice or criticism so I can improve its look!
Illustrator file can be found here: sendspace.com/file/1yvngi
And I uploaded a picture here: imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/pedalgreenwithmuff.jpg/
Please help!!
Thanks very much.
I am designing myself guitar pedal art to put on a custom pedal I am buying soon.
It is Zelda themed and is based on a guitar pedal called a Triangle Muff (explains the puns, etc)...
I was hoping I could get some help with it as it looks rather bland to me. The dimensions need to stay the same (all the buttons and the overall size) otherwise it can be tweaked whatever way. Please offer any helpful advice or criticism so I can improve its look!
Illustrator file can be found here: sendspace.com/file/1yvngi
And I uploaded a picture here: imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/pedalgreenwithmuff.jpg/
Please help!!
Thanks very much.