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Help with Healing Brush


New Member
I am in need of help on how to change the appearance of the Healing or Spot Healing Brush in CS4.

I have Photoshop Elements 8 as well as CS4. When using the Healing Brush in Elements, as I drag the brush (the circle) across the image, the brush is white when it is over a dark section of the image and it turns black when it is over a light section of the image. If I make the brush large and place it half over a dark area and half over a light area, the brush will also automatically become half white / half black - of course opposite from what the background is. This is so the brush can always be seen.

However when I work in CS4 the brush (the circle) is always black, which is fine when dragged over a light area of the image, but not good at all when dragged over a dark area of the image as the brush can then not be seen.

I need help with regard to changing the appearance of the brush so that it works as it does in Elements, namely that it automatically changes from black to white depending upon the background area of the image that the brush is placed over.

Please reply.

Thank you, Steve
