Here's a little tutorial on what I did. In the event you've never used Photoshop before, I've related keyboard shortcuts. Where you see the + sign is not something you actually have to press down on, its just another way of saying "and". So Ctrl + O is the same as Ctrl and O (this just allows you to open a file). Ok, here we go.
1. Click on Select>Color Range> Fuziness Setting 55px, and click on the "Image" radio button in the dialog box. With the Eyedropper tool (still in the Color Range dialog box) click on any area in the image with white. Click the Ok button.
2. Invert your selection so that the wings emblem is selected.
3. Create a new layer on top (keyboard shortcut is Shift + Ctrl + L) and select the Gradient Tool (keyboard shortcut is G).
4. At the toolbar up top is a rectangle with the colors of the current gradient, click on that and the Gradient Editor dialog will appear.
5. Double click on the first Color Swatch on the left where you'll be greeted by another dialog box. At the bottom is a field that has a # symbol to the left. This is the HEX code box. Clear out whatever is in there (more than likely 000000) and paste this HEX
code in its place 82db99 and click Ok. Do the same for the Color Swatch on the right but this time enter 000000 in the HEX code box. You should see a green to black gradient in the gradient editor, click Ok.
6. With the gradient tool selected, make sure you have Linear Gradient selected, it's the first one after the gradient editor option.
Now this part is important because it's where you'll be able to edit the gradient in the future without destroying the bottom layer which has your original image in it.
7. Be sure that the top layer is selected. If it isn't simply click on it to make it the active layer. Now from the top of where the the emblem graphic starts, hold down the Shift key and drag to the bottom of where the emblem graphic ends. You can deselect now by pressing Ctrl + D. Set the top layer's blend mode to Hue. This will make the black outlines appear. And that's it. Be sure to save your psd source file so you can edit it again. I guess it's ok if you want to use the image I made just please give me credit. Happy Photoshopping