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Help with domestic violence support group logo (for an awesome cause!!)


hey everyone!! My name is Shaun and I am the founder of a domestic violence support group. Due to personal experiences, and genuine incentive to help others, I am starting a group called KDV or Kicking Domestic Violence. Basically, I hope to start off by sharing some stories with mandatory domestic violence classes in which someone being charged with the crime must attend. Many groups focus on the victims of the violence but few groups, try to tackle the problem from the other side, by giving them some insight regarding the perspective of others around them. Anyway, if anyone has any questions regarding the premise or goals of my project, I will be happy to explain!! also open to any input and suggestions!! I am very busy and sorry for the quick wording/lack of explanations.

If anyone who has been affected in any by domestic violence, or someone just looking to help someone else out for a good cause, I am struggling with creating a cool looking logo, and would love some help! I have a basic lay out, which I will attach (just a drawing) and I also have photoshop (yet, lack the skill of you guru's!) Basically, I want the logo to look tough, maybe a graffitti kind of rough look, sketchy, open to interpretation. The logo is so that the "K" in KDV is Kicking the 'DV'. Again, this is for a very good cause and I hope to incorporate many individuals into this project, a collaboration is an amazing thing. I am extremely grateful for your time and thanks so much for reading this! I will post the sketch I have drawn (again, no art skills here haha)

sorry if the image is hard to see. the circle in the middle of the k is the persons head, and i try to make it swooping so it looks like the k is kicking

thanks so much if anyone decides to help!! your skills and talent are extremely respected and admirable!! notedly after trying to do what you guys do, myself haha
the logo is open to interpretation, I would prefer simplistic design, in maybe a two color scheme (black & neon green) (black and red) whatever ( a girl version would be cool too maybe in pink making the sketchy shoe a high heel)
Welcome shaun, lol, if you guys would only read the rules before you post, you'd see that you can directly upload from your computer. What is so difficult about reading rules before you start a thread? Well, your cause sounds worthy. I'm sure you'll get lots of help on this one. I might have time. Good luck.
Welcome shaun, lol, if you guys would only read the rules before you post, you'd see that you can directly upload from your computer. What is so difficult about reading rules before you start a thread? Well, your cause sounds worthy. I'm sure you'll get lots of help on this one. I might have time. Good luck.

Thanks a lot! - if you had some time to give it a shot that would be amazing!!! sorry about the rules didn't see that!
OK; here's a start. I won't do anymore on it till I get some feedback from you. I know the colors are somber, even violent, but I wasn't certain what you want to stress. Reducing the violence doesn't seem to go along with the K giving a kick, but I get where it's coming from. I didn't attach a head to the K or make it anymore anthropomorphic than it is. It seemed awkward and unnecessary, even kinda creepy.


with some text


OK, one with repositioned text

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Ok mine can be taken the wrong way so maybe it is not a good logo idea if I have to explain it

Mine shows domestic violence happens in the home and yet to the outside world everything seems all happy and perfect happy family.
Because in Public they act normal.

Domestic violence makes the Kids the Victims as well and makes the kid a target in other areas of life school, activities etc and makes them dark and depressed.

The kids usually become loners and feel alienated hence the distance between the girl and parents.

But they are placed above the letters to show we can Raise above Domestic violence and show there is support out there before it gets to late. ( Which I assume your charity will have something in place for that)

Hopefully people will look at the logo and hopefully think twice before they do something they will regret. A lot of times parents are ignorant to how there behaviour effects kids.

Thanks ibclare. I was trying to make the "D"look kicked in, kinda like tag text and similar to the "V" and like a sideways abstract heart. I t's defiantly a rough draft idea but I can see it going somewhere :)

WOW I am seriously speechless all these look FANTASTIC!!!!!! I am just blown away by all of your talent and creativity!!!!!!! This is super amazing I am so thankful for your generousness and taking your time to help with this cause!!!!!!!!!!! I will definitely mention you guys while this charity gets up and running, and give you all credit for your designs!!!!!!!! I cannot put into words how much I appreciate this, you all are amazing!!!! I think the logo is a massive part with regards to something like this; catching someones eye while being superimposed with setting the tone for a charity like this. Again, thank you so much for your time and effort, you are all applauded and admired!
