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HELP!! Weapon texture.....


Well-Known Member
Ok I've tinkered around with trying to give the worn metal weapon texture to my mascott ( Boiler Room Studios Mascott)
Things are going well digitizing him. But I cant seem to figure out how to go about completing the flame thrower he is holding...I want to give it that gun look.....but I cant figure it out.[confused]

Can anyone help? :(| :(| :(| :(| :(| :(|

Chillin said:
Ok I've tinkered around with trying to give the worn metal weapon texture to my mascott ( Boiler Room Studios Mascott)
Things are going well digitizing him. But I cant seem to figure out how to go about completing the flame thrower he is holding...I want to give it that gun look.....but I cant figure it out.[confused]

Well, Chillin ... what do you want to DO with this graphic? If you're going to make a logo of it, then he's already plenty complex. If you want to hang him up on your wall or something, then yeah, I can see where you might want a better texture for the weapon.

Here's something I did a while back. If you like this, then I'll see if I can find the tutorial that I worked from.

Do let me know.

I know that tutorial. Weathered Metal by DarkGarden.

Here's my version:

Add Noise.
Paint some more.
Add more Noise.
Those are both nice looking effects guys. :righton:

I remember when i did this double-axe image waaaaaay back with Photoshop 3. I've always loved it because it was so close to real looking, and i had just started learning to use PS. I have it in the "PS Effects Gallery" on the site.

Let me see if i can dig up a copy...

Ok, found one... here she be. [honesty]
Sorry bout that... i got a bit off topic huh... DOH! [doh]
nice, mark, not bad at all. ;) And stroker, that's the exeact tutorial I had worked from (good thing I remembered it was from a tut in the first place! Would have been a Bad Thing had I tried to pawn that off as my own [saywhat] even if it was a mistake ... [innocent] )

Anyway, stroker, I liked what you did with the barrel of that thing ... though if you were going for photorealism then it should be heat-blackened as well. (not that I'd have the faintest idea how to do that, but gimme a tut and I'll work my magic on it :D )


w00t! That's what I'm talkin' 'bout, Stroker ... :D

I checked out some more of that forum, too. Looks pretty cool, though they seem more interested in 3d stuff and not nearly as friendly as the folks here. Stroker, are you a frequentor of that site?

O YEAH!!! Sorry I can't help you with the texturing but, that is ooking wicked. I knew that you would do a great job on that when you showeduse the outline, but you did better than I thought.

:} :}

Yes, I frequent CGTalk.
Mostly just suck up info about 3DS Max, but I have been known to post in the PS forum from time to time. Those are about the only two forums I bother with over there.
The lady that wrote those two metal tutorials also wrote a pretty killer tutorial on how she paints a face.
Thanks for the quick reply. I really appreciate it......I think I'm gonn try a little bit of all of these tutorials....as certain areas will need to be approached differently.....but this really helps out.....Man Mark was too right about this forum [innocent].....the best one Ive been to :righton: :righton: :righton: Thanks for the mega help.....
wow it looks so cool even unfinished! you have done a great job chillin :righton:
Nice work Chillin :)

I started on the gun and got carried away [stuned]

Stroker said:
The lady that wrote those two metal tutorials also wrote a pretty killer tutorial on how she paints a face.

Do you know where that tut is, stroker? That would be something else I'm interested in.

Didn't know they HAD a PS forum. Have to go try and find it ... %}

more more more more more tutes more posts more stuff more photoshop more more more! bahahahahahaha [saywhat]

oh, and nice job Stu you old cad ... :P

kiwi said:
Nice work Chillin :)

I started on the gun and got carried away [stuned]


Gives me a nice clear picture in my head as to what it could look like.....This guy will rock when hes done.....I'm going all out.....skratches, nicks, and gouges in the steel armour.....as much detail as I can put in without overdoing it.....Cheers

I like what you did with the collar of the suit...I think I might implement that idea.....you guys have done some great things with this so far.....
:) Just popping in to observe! Great stuff/information guys! :righton:

Yeppers, Chillin... you've found your way to the most helpful "unpretentious" PS forum on the net! Good mixture of friendly folk here that are more than willing to share their knowledge and expertise and allow others to benefit and grow, as a result. :D
GOD KIWI!!! just do it for him and dont let him experiment! [stuned] [stuned] :D :bustagut: You did a good job kiwi. Also, chillin, thats very very good so far, great job :righton:
<nod> definitely a cool drawing ... what ARE you going to do with this, anyway, chillin? just out of curiosity ...

