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Help request Photoshop multi-layers image


I didn´t know how to formulate the title lol.

What I am asking for here is if anyone knows where I can find an example picture of a fairly large stack of photoshop layers?

I´m trying to explain something to someone who knows nothing at all about how photoshop works, but wants me to do something for her that I can´t possibly do.

I have found a couple on Google Pictures, I will post them here, but what I would really like to have is a larger picture that´s easier to see, and a larger stack with more layers in it, so that I can show her how a complicated it can be to build a single finished project.

If anyone knows where I can find something like that, it would be cool. :) These are the ones I have now:


Oh, they don´t look that small now all of a sudden, I don´t know what this thing is with things looking completely different on my computer, from how they look when I post them here. oh, well.
If you can get ahold of an issue of photoshop creative magazine (or maybe on their website), and find a complicated tutorial. They usually include a graphic of the layer stack to help folks see how the image is constructed.

If you can get ahold of an issue of photoshop creative magazine (or maybe on their website), and find a complicated tutorial. They usually include a graphic of the layer stack to help folks see how the image is constructed.


OH yes of course! I have a few of those! I need to e-mail it to her, but of course I can scan the picture! I didn´t even think about that! Thank you Agent Moeller!! :)
I was just searching I had a pdf archive of every issue of photoshop creative but 3 days ago I deleted them see if my subscription will still let me download them if you still want it
I was just searching I had a pdf archive of every issue of photoshop creative but 3 days ago I deleted them see if my subscription will still let me download them if you still want it
Oh, yes Hoogleman! That would be great, if you still have access to them, otherwise I´ll try to scan something. :)
Why did you delete a whole PDF archive of Photoshop creative? damn, you could have given them to me man. :)
Ok I am downloading them all now they may take some time there server is slow I dont have any of the recent 1s only the 1st 24 do you want me just to send you a few magazines so you can choose
Ok I am downloading them all now they may take some time there server is slow I dont have any of the recent 1s only the 1st 24 do you want me just to send you a few magazines so you can choose

Cool! sure! Thanks! I have about 3 recent ones I think 73,75 and 76, I might have one more or something, but that´s all, so anything else will be new to me! :) I´ll PM you :)
Oh, and BTW Hoogle, when I was searching for pictures of layers on Google Pictures (or Images if that´s what you call it in English), your eagle avatar was one of the pictures there, It was without your name on it, but your name was in the link I think, that surprised me a bit, does every picture we post here in this forum end up there or something? That freaks me out a little.
If you post on boards regular and use good titles to your work what ever it may be, when people want to search items it will obviously link to those sort of names out in netland. H is a good one his name is unusual so typing his name would result in some hits where his work would pop up, even your name would turn some results i am sure, mine is a popular name out there - especially amongst the dark people blood sucking monsters lol.
Go on type your name in and see, or type your name in with a word associated with some of your work.

Click the link http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&source=hp&q=vafann&oq=vafann&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=e&gs_upl=2042l3337l0l3765l6l6l0l0l0l0l1057l1057l7-1l1l0&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.&fp=42136a1f8c533d97&biw=1366&bih=643
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