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HELP! Problems with CS2 Type Tool


New Member
I am currently working in Photoshop CS2. Every time I try to use the type tool on anything I am working on Photoshop just shuts down. I tried reinstalling photoshop, and I've tried to reset the fonts, is there anything else I can do?
If you haven't already done this try a cold re boot of the computer, shut it off and restart it.
That probably won't help but it's simple enough to try.

If that doesn't work reset the preferences file to the default settings.

How to reset Photoshop preferences (In Windows):
  1. First, hold down all three Ctrl+Alt+Shift buttons
  2. Now "while keeping those button held," simply open Photoshop or a file that opens with Photoshop
  3. As Photoshop loads, you should get a prompt asking if you would like to "delete the Photoshop settings file", Click yes
You should now have a fresh slate with all of the settings returned to their default.
