As Rich stated,there are several ways to do this!
Hears another way. Building a template.
We know that our image is 15cm x 10 cm. So create a document to that size.
The document serves as the Outer boundary
View attachment 148364
We know that our border is 13.7cm x 8.8cm
Use the rectangle Tool to create an Inner boundary.
Center by hitting Cmd/Cntrl +A, use the Move Tool and the Horiz & Vert center alignment tools in the tools option bar.
View attachment 148365
We want our image to be within the border constrained to the inner boundary.
All we need to do is to drag and drop our images. This method will open the image as a smart object. Or use FILE > PLACE EMBEDDED.
Then clip the image to the inner boundary layer via clipping mask.
You then use Free Transform on the image layer to adjust the image to fit within the inner boundary.
View attachment 148366
When satisfied with the fit, un-clip the image layer.
Save and print.
View attachment 148367
Or leave it clipped and save with the border.
View attachment 148368
Rinse and repeat by turning off the image layer (optional), and then dragging and dropping a new image above the the inner boundary layer (or the old image layer) and clipping.
View attachment 148369
Note that the new (Clipped) photo will show in the document when it's the uppermost layer.
View attachment 148370