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Help me make this photo look normal?


New Member
This may sound a little vague, but I have this photo I really like of me jumping. Can anyone help me make the lighting and contrast look a bit more normal? Also if you could fix the weird border thing that is going on, that would be great.

Thank you so much!! :cheesygrin:

Do you have any idea what happened to the image? For example, why is it named, "part0.jpg"? I know of no digital camera that ever used a file name like that.

FWIW, the problems in this image look like what is called classical "JPG bit rot artifacts". This typically happens when some storage medium (eg, hard drive) has developed bad areas, or the connection to the storage medium was broken, or the source turned off during a data transfer.

However, I should ask if by any chance this effect might possibly have been intentional? For example, did someone go crazy and apply a bunch of Instagram filters, or was this a situation in which "it just happened" and you don't know what went on.

If there is any way you can get the original of this image, it will look vastly better than trying to fix a problem like this after the fact, and won't be making our members work needlessly to try to reconstruct something (the large areas of green background) that already exists. For example, if you have access to the camera that took this photo, there is a good chance that the original (ie, uncorrupted version) version is still on it.

Attached is an example of what someone might be able to achieve in Photoshop without an extraordinary amount of work.

Tom M

PS - Oh, and BTW, I forgot to mention: Welcome to PSG!

PPS - For an explanation and examples of bit rot artifacts, have a look at http://openpreservation.org/system/files/Bit Rot_OPF_0.pdf. Examples start on page 5 of the PDF.


  • part0-tjm01-ps01a-01.jpg
    1.4 MB · Views: 1
Last edited:
Oh, and for completeness, as well as to have a reference copy should the link to the off-site original ever break, here is the original...


  • part0-readable_version.jpg
    1.8 MB · Views: 1
Thank you! That was so informative!

A friend took that picture for me and I don't know what happened to it. I'm pretty sure it wasn't intentional, but I will ask... She deleted the original, which is why I posted here.
