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Help me delete camera from a mirror photo


New Member
Hi everyone,

I have tried looking up everything there is about the clone stamp tool on youtube but I can't get the results I need. I hope someone here can help me :neutral:
There is a color variation between the top and bottom port of the mirror that I can't match even if I try making smaller strokes with the stamp tool.

Could you please help me delete the camera from the picture and make it look natural as if it was never there?

Thank yo!!!

EDIT: I think after 40 mins of trial and error I was able to get it almost right.

Let me know what you think.
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How did you get the colors right at the bottom portion of the mirror?

Yes, that's the question! LOL!!!

You'll never believe what I did!

First I made a selection on the right side.
Copied the selection to it's own layer (Cmd/Cntrl+J).
Screen Shot 2015-12-20 at 12.47.49 AM.png

And then I moved it here......
Screen Shot 2015-12-20 at 12.48.34 AM.png

Did the same on the other side.....
Screen Shot 2015-12-20 at 12.49.02 AM.png

And moved.
Screen Shot 2015-12-20 at 12.49.37 AM.png

The rest was cloning and painting.
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Yes, that's the question! LOL!!!

You'll never believe what I did!

First I made a selection on the right side.
Copied the selection to it's own layer (Cmd/Cntrl+J).
View attachment 60640

And then I moved it here......
View attachment 60641

Did the same on the other side.....
View attachment 60642

And moved.
View attachment 60643

The rest was cloning and painting.

I literally said "ohh wow" out loud lol.
You have no idea how thankful I am that you fixed but most importantly that you taught me to do it!
Thank you!
