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Specific Help make a blurry text clear!


New Member
I just need a tiny text become readable if possible! As much as I zoom in and enhance it its still unreadable. If anyone can help itll be much appreciated! Thanks!


Looking at the image I can tell you that nothing can be done, what you're looking when you zoom in is what the image have, just a few white..ish blurry pixels not forming any distinguishable word..
Unfortunately, there's not any software known to man that could possibly tell you what this might say based on the sample image you provided. TV and real life are very different.

As Argos pointed out, you can see that the squares in the zoomed image below are individual pixels that do not form any words much less letters. There's simply no information available in the image you provided that would allow it's interpretation. Sorry.
Screen Shot 2019-03-25 at 9.11.23 PM.png
