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Help in saving drawing to iPhoto


New Member
Hello. I'm wondering if anyone can help me with this issue. I am trying to send my drawing that are done in PS to my cell phone via iPhotos the same way I would send a photo. The thing is I can't figure out how to save them correctly so that they are not too big, what format (jpeg didn't work for some reason) I should use. I feel like I'm missing the boat all together here. Any help is most appreciated. Tks for your time.
iPhone Screen Resolution

Go to Image --> Image Size in Photoshop and set the Resolution to 72 pixels/inch.

then set the largest side (either width or height) to 480 pixels.

Then choose File --> Save for Web & Devices... choose JPG with quality settings around 80, and check Optimized, uncheck Progressive and save it.

Let me know if that works for you.
