I was on vacation and just got back.
My interpretation of your situation is that for some reason which is probably not important, the color calibrated workflow did not provide a match to the final press print and you want to "nudge" the images color to be closer to the final target.
I will note that working with a single color on the target and the proof make get you closer yet how much the color shifts at higher and lower luminosity may not track as there are many ways to adjust colors. So this may not be a single shot process.
To "nudge" the colors vs having a calibrated and measurable color numbers all the way through the workflow, I would adjust each of the "L" "a" and "b" numbers by the delta amount needed to go from the proof to the target.
I have shown in the table below the numbers you provided as well as the deltas for each component in 8 bit and also in 16 bit. (16 bit is just multiplying L by 256 and a,b numbers by 128.
| L | a | b |
Target 8bit / 16bit | 47.07 / 12,050 | -26.22 / -3,356 | 14.85 / 1901 |
Proof 8bit / 16bit | 52.89 / 13540 | -26.21 / -3355 | 11.55 / 1478 |
Delta from Proof to Target 8bit / 16bit | -5.82 / -1490 | -0.01 / -1 | 3.3 / 423 |
So here are the steps I would take.
Convert you image to 16 bit mode
Convert to Lab mode
Above the image Layer place a curves adjustment Layer
In the image place a Color Sampler on the part of the image you want to measure when "nudging" and change the info numbers to diplay in 16 bit mode not 8 bit mode being the default
Open the info panel so you can track the color change.
Since you indicated the color measured was mid tone I would make the changes in the cures adjustment Layer at the middle of the curve line.
With the L channel selected in the curves adjustment layer dropdown, move it down while watching the info panel until the new L number drops by 1490
I would not bother with the a channel since the delta is minuscule
With the "b" channel selected in the curves adjustment layer dropdown, move the curve from the middle position upwards again watching the info panel until the "b" number increase by 423.
After this you can change to the desired color mode and then to 8 bit if needed.
It is important that the process of outputting/printing is exactly the same as when you did the proof because it is unlcear where in the workflow that the error in the color managed workflow exists.
I tried this out using two layers with each with the Target and Proof Lab numbers you mentioned and easily adjusted the single Proof color over to the Target color using this technique.
If you need more details or step by step with pictures I could do this yet I was under the impression you may have moved on already and was not sure it was worth a lot more to post details unless you needed them
John Wheeler