Hi Wolfy and welcome to PSG.
Open the image you would like to use.
Duplicate the original twice by hitting
Cmd/Cntrl + J two times.
Turn off the original layer.
Create a new layer below the top layer.
Name the top layer "Main"
Name the bottom layer "Gaussian Blur Layer".
Highlight the "Gaussian Blur Layer" and go to FILTER > BLUR > GAUSSIAN BLUR and blur to your satisfaction (I used 30).
Highlight the new layer.
Choose your
Type Tool.
Choose your font and font size. Color does not matter.
Click on your canvas where you want your text to start and type.
Use the
Move Tool to position your text where you want it.
Your layers panel should look like this..
Your canvas should look like this.
Highlight your "Main" Layer.
Right click the "Main" layer and select create clipping mask or hover your cursor between the two layers while holding down the alt/option key, you will see the cursor turn into a box with a black angled arrow pointing down, then click.
Your layers panel should look like this...
Your canvas should look like this....
You can stop here.
I added an Outer Glow layer style to make the text stand out.
I also substituted the "Gaussian Blur Layer" with a Glass filter.