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help for creating a proper mask


Active Member
hi i have problem with create a good mask for black sweater in this image because of hair.
im using that mask to change color to biege color.

can any one help me to how to take proper mask.(if you can provide your psd file for me it is also better :) )
i tried topaz remask,luminacity masking unfortunatly it doesn't help me much because there are many hair elements in the black sweater.

I really glad if you help me :)


Hard one, i did an exemple trying somethings i didn't fix the details, the colour is not that bright as your example but maybe it's posible, but brighter you make it harder to fix it.

Here is my try.

Thank you so much..but can i know how you took a mask of her hair from black sweater.
Can get the mask psd file from you :)
sanjaymj The OP has posted this in the "Photoshop Newbies" section which is a help section. The OP is asking for help on how to create a proper mask.

It would be very helpful if you could demonstrate how you created the mask for the hair that's on the sweater. Also, the OP has also mentioned (and posted) a color example of the color he's trying to make the sweater.

Any chance you can help with the OP's inquiry?
